Thursday, October 29, 2009

S4/5 Design

S4/5 artists have also been working on their design projects. They have chosen their design topic and have investigated it in order to get ideas...

Here is Hannah's investigation sheet - she is designing a hat inspired by butterflies:

Rebecca is also basing her work on butterflies and bugs but is designing a waistcoat instead:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Humpty Dumpty...

In S4/5 drama we have been looking at bullying as part of our topic on power. This week we started work on some devised pieces using a play called "The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty" as our stimulus.

We only looked at the climax of the play where a boy called Terry Dumpton meets a terrible end at the hands of a group of school bullies. The pupils then had to decide what happened before this to lead up to it and what happens in the aftermath... there were some interesting ideas!

They will create 4 scenes based on this and then each pupil will take responsibility for 1 of the scenes. They will be the director and in charge of their particular scene.

S4/5 Art again

Here are the art masterpieces from today...

A lovely tonal study of her hand holding her MP3 player by Rebecca:

A pencil study of a ski boot by Massimo:

The statue of Liberty in pencil by Gabriella:

A still life of make up done in acrylic paint by Hannah:

Monday, October 26, 2009


S3 dramatists had great fun today making up a "chorus of thoughts" sound track for a short drama presentation they have improvised on the subject of hearing impairment.

The chorus is made up of all the different phrases which are said to and thought by a deaf boy. Pupils recorded and distorted their voices in garageband, creating a very surreal effect...

A successful start back!

We had a successful first day back after the holidays in art and drama with everyone working well.

Here are 2 finished pieces of work from the S4/5 artists, both in oil pastel.

A colourful theatre performer by Megan:

A stack of CDs by Rebecca:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Disability topic - Helen Keller

Today in S3 drama we watched an excellent DVD about the life of Helen Keller. Helen was a profoundly deaf and blind child who was taught to communicate through the signed alphabet by a teacher called Annie O Sullivan.

The story is very moving and everyone enjoyed seeing characters we had discussed come to life!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

S3 Art work

Here are today's masterpieces from the art room...

A bird's eye view of a still life in acrylic paint by Lara:

An autumnal portrait in the rain in oil pastels by Beth:

A colourful still life in oil pastel by Rebecca:

S4/5 Artists go out and about...

Today we went on a trip to the Burrell Collection in Glasgow to look at the work of the Impressionists. In particular we focussed on the work of Edgar Degas who we will be studying in more depth over the course of this year.

First we were taken on a short tour and discussed some of the Impressionist works on display in the Burrell. Then everyone had to find a specific painting, make a quick compositional sketch and give a short presentation about their painting to the group.

We then went to the education rooms where we were able to do some sketching in the style of Degas - we drew a traditional ballet dancer's outfit as this is the subject of over half of Degas' works. We also worked quickly with pastels, building up layers and trying to use complimentary colours for shading instead of black. It was great fun and I think everyone learned a lot - a great start to our studies on Degas!

Especially well done to Deborah who managed to talk about the paintings and do a super drawing without a single grumble even though she isn't actually part of the art class!

After the workshop there was still some time for a little bit of fun...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

S3 Art work

Here are the latest pieces of artwork from S3 - everyone has been using oil pastels again.

A super still life by Jonathan:

A very striking piece by Ailie:

A lovely summer's day by Lamorna:

S4/5 Drama

Today we had a great lesson taking an in depth look at our German character's reactions to their actions as new members of the Nazi party. We wrote and performed monologues in role and then "hot seated" each character.

S4/5 Art again

Here is Jessica's latest piece of work done in acrylic paint:

Monday, October 5, 2009

S4/5 tonal work

Here are the latest pieces of art work from S4/5. This time everyone has been using pencil.

A dollar bill by Gabriella:

A theatre stage by Megan:

Headphones by Rebecca:

Fan-tastic display!

This is the finished display of S1 & S2 fans that the pupils have been working on in art. There are still a few to finish and these will be displayed in the art and modern studies rooms.

Well done to everyone in S1 & S2!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

S4/5 still life

Here is yet another example of good work from the art room - an interesting still life in acrylic paint by Megan. It was the first time she had really used this media before but I think she has done very well!

S1 & S2 fan club!

We finished off the oriental fans we have been working on in S1 & S2 today with excellent results! Well done to everyone who worked hard to get them finished.

P6/7 portraits

Today in P6/7 we were drawing self portraits. It was good fun seeing what everyone ended up looking like...!

These portraits will end up looking out of the windows in our yellow submarine display.