Friday, April 30, 2010

VIetnam War Radio Reports

This afternoon, S1 are rounding off the work they have been doing on the war in Vietnam, by producing radio reports from the jungle in South Vietnam! They are asking and answering big questions such as why America fought in VIetnam, and what impact live media had on people's impressions on the war in the US.

Democracy in P6/7

This morning, P6/7 have been looking at how democracy works in Britain. Miss Rukin swapped her tennis class with Mr Atkinson and took the class outside to act out voting procedures and seat allocation in the House of Commons. The class then came inside and in cooperative learning groups reinforced their understanding of the following key words:

Ballot paper
Prime Minister

Finally, the class examined the key policies of each party who have candidates standing in Inverclyde to prepare them for the school's Mock Election next week.

A very hard working morning - well done everyone!

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jackson Pollock!

S2 were looking at the life and work of an artist of their choice today in art. The choices ranged from Leonardo Da Vinci to Monet to Jeff Koons.

Some pupils chose to look at the work of Jackson Pollock and the Abstract Expressionist art movement in an experimental way... splatter painting out in the playground!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


S4/5 dramatists were having a go at some wrinkly stage make up again today. We ran out of time for everyone to have a go, so Deborah and Megan escaped the ageing effects...this time round! We'll get them next time!

Delicious dumplings in BC!

Hi! Jess and Chloe here! We're making fruit dumplings in Broader Curriculum... We've put in treacle, butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, mixed fruit and mixed spices. We like the smell if the mixed spices, it makes us think of curry and Christmas!

We put the mix in the microwave for two minutes, then added egg, flour and bicarbonate of soda.

Then the mix goes back in the microwave for about six minutes.

We're all taking our puddings home for tea!

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Scenery painting...

S4/5 dramatists were using a mixture of gloss and emulsion paint to create a more realistic wood effect on the scenery they are making for their next play. It looks much more effective and, more importantly, they managed to keep the classroom clean!

Final Piece!

Gabriella completed this mixed media piece as the final, solution artwork for her expressive folio today - well done!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cross curricular in S1 & S2

This week S1 began working on a poster design project in conjunction with the science department. The posters focus on biomimicry and should show how nature has been used to inspire modern technology. Pupils spent time investigating different examples of biomimicry such as the box fish inspired bionic car shown in this photo...

Meanwhile S2 have been trying out an online drawing programme called "Mark Kistler's School of Imagination".

A theatrical work...

Megan completed this piece in oil pastels today on the theme of "The Theatre":

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rebecca's art

Here are the latest pieces of artwork by Rebecca in S4 - super work, well done!

Props and Set!

We began walk throughs of the drama piece we are working on in S4/5 drama. Pupils decided to set it in a courtroom in the 1920's and to stage it in a traditional proscenium arch layout. We then discussed the set and props and began to create some of them...

Daniel used the laptop and some teabags to make the tattered marriage certificate that becomes a vital piece of evidence in the prosecution's case...

Meanwhile Megan and Deborah were painting foam board to look like wood in order to create a wooden raised seat area for the judge to preside over the court from...

They also had some fun painting the backs of the boards to stop them from drying curved...

Crepes in the curriculum!!

Our new block of broader curriculum has started! Pupils have chosen golf or cooking! In cooking we are making crepes and waffles today with Mrs Patkinson! We've sent an order round the teachers! Pupils are working in pairs making their batter and chopping strawberries and bananas! Mrs P is overseeing the cooking on her professional crepe machine...

Over the coming weeks pupils will learn how to make a variety of sweets, fruit dumplings, fruit salad and tray bakes.

Tasty times in S1 and S2!

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

S4/5 Masterpieces!

A clown peering out from behind the curtain in pencil and acrylic paint by Megan:

A stylised pop art version of the Statue of Liberty by Gabriella:

Witness for the Prosecution!

S4 dramatists have begun working on their first extract for the Int 2 Theatre Production unit. They are looking at Agatha Christie's famous play "Witness for the Prosecution". We are also going to the theatre in June to see the play performed at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow.

After reading through the script, the pupils did some characterisation work by creating a facebook account for their characters... it was very interesting!

S3 Design

Ailie and Jonathan were modelling their completed design works today - the photos will be used in their design folios which will be sent away on the 30th April.

Jonathan's "Bug"

Ailie's "Cowardly Lion"

The rest of the class were putting the finishing touches on their folio sheets...

Self Evaluations in S1 and S2

Today, in our joint S1/S2 class, pupils are evaluating their progress this year. They are looking at questions asking them which things they have improved at, what skills they have developed, and then they are choosing three areas to improve in over the remainder of this year. Targets that pupils have selected include:
- spending more time on homework
- watching the news twice a week
- answering more questions in class- I'm going to answer two questions every lesson voluntarily!
- making sure I listen carefully to the teacher the first time the task is being explained.

S1 and S2 are becoming confident individuals, successful learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens!

Monday, April 19, 2010


S3 were working hard today on their final NAB in art - an essay summary of their research work in the Visual Arts. They only have 300 hundred words and 30 minutes to give an overview of everything they have learned... the hardest thing is definitely being concise!

Galliano Gazette!

I was in Paris over the holidays and paid a quick visit to designer John Galliano's boutique on the Rue St Honore in the city centre. It is a beautiful shop filled with exciting and dramatic creations! The staff were very friendly and showed me 3 of Galliano's "Masterpiece Creations" - these are one of a kind outfits and are straight from the catwalk shows. Here is an example...

Galliano often uses a special newspaper print pattern in some of his designs. The boutique was kind enough to give me an example sheet of wrapping paper with the design on it to bring home and show the pupils:

Higher: Health and Wealth!

Megan and Rebecca are starting their next topic in Higher Modern Studies- Health and Wealth in the UK. They will be finding out what inequalities exist in society in terms of social class, gnder and race, and investigate the extent to which these inequalities affect health and wealth. They will explore the different views on who should be responsible for tackling these inequalities, and then investigate how successful recent local and national strategies to combat inequalities have been.

S1 are Successful Learners in RME!

Today, S1 are starting personal projects on Famous Christians. They are working towards giving a 5 minute solo talk at the end of this term on the person they have researched. They each have one book on their person, and wil be required to do lots of personal research at home. Please encourage your son/daughter with their reading and notetaking!

Peer assessment in S2 History

S2 are marking one anothers holiday homework this morning. The class have written diary entries, poems or news reports depicting life in the trenches in WW1. They are giving one another marks of ten for how accurately their work reflects conditions in the trenches.

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